1. Grab the head pin with a chain or flatnose plier approx. 1/8” above the top bead and bend at a 90 degree angle. Do not trim excess. 2. Using a round nose plier, position your plier with the wire between the top & bottom jaw approx. 1/8” up from the end of the jaw with the end of the head pin facing you. Use your fingers to push the head pin around the jaw forming a loop until you hit the plier and can’t go any further. 3. Reposition your plier by rolling it back toward you and then grab the head pin with your fingers and pull it toward you to cross over the stationary part of the head pin.4. Holding the formed loop firmly with a flat or chain nose plier, use your fingers (or a plier) to wrap the tail of the head pin around the space at the top from top to bottom. Trim excess and tuck tail in.